Classes & Events
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Usui & Traditional Jikiden Reiki Level 1 & 2 Course Workshop with Qigong, Sound Healing & Meditation
Fri 2/21, 6-9pm, Sat 2/22, 12-6pm, Sun 2/23, 9-6pm - $525
25% nonrefundable deposit required to reserve your space. Full balance due prior to first class. Pay later option available.
Reiki 1 - Beginner level training. Students will learn, in detail, what Reiki is, how to use it, Reiki ideals and history. Standard hand positions will be taught and students will be able to perform a complete basic session. There will be plenty of practice time to give and receive sessions, and tune into the energy.
Reiki 2 - Where the magic really happens. Attunement to two more symbols for clearing and distance healing with the knowledge to expand your practice beyond limits. Plenty of time allowed for practice and sharing experiences.
Click to learn What is Reiki.
Accompanying comprehensive Reiki training, discussion topics will be on self-healing, ego and spiritual bypassing. Too often, people are looking for the next best thing. Reiki is a simple, yet profound natural healing tool for stress relief and deep relaxation and balancing mind, body, spirit & emotions. Students who give the time to practice and build the rapport with this beautiful energy will see, and feel, a difference in their lives, often improving their intuitive self.
• Includes movement and meditation to relax our bodies, comprehensive training in Usui, Tibetan & Traditional Japanese Reiki techniques, 190 page class manual from ICRT, discussion, attunements, ample practice time, certificates and more. 16 hours total in person class time.
• Suggested tips on how to prepare for class will be sent following submission of deposit
• Maximum class: 6 people. Open to everyone called to learn with an open heart & mind. No prerequisite required
• 8 CEUs for Level 1 available for LMTs (Level 1 is available for 12 ceus upon request for future planning)
• One hour for lunch and scheduled breaks. Bring water, light lunch/snacks
• Bring journal, pen & twin sheet set
• Upon completion, participation in the monthly Reiki share is welcomed and encouraged
Reiki Share
Thur 2/27, 6-7:30pm - Love donation
Thur 2/27, 6-7:30pm - Love donation
Inner Awakening - Day Retreat
Sat 3/8, 11am -2pm - $75 (links for payment & deposit coming)
25% nonrefundable deposit required to reserve your space. Full balance due prior start.
How often do you feel like it's go, go, go, while being pulled in different directions?
Surely, you've heard the saying "you cannot pour from an empty cup". When you take better care of yourself, every aspect of your life flows better - your mood, work, relationships, finances, etc. It's not selfish to take care of yourself so you can take care of everyone & everything else...better. Self-care is essential to our mental, physical, emotional & spiritual well-being.
Make time to show yourself love & choose to participate in this Mini Day Retreat including activities such as a Sipping Ceremony, Breathwork, Moving Meditation, Sound Healing, Yoga Nidra, Art & more, as we let go for a little while to Reconnect, Release stress, fear & anxiety and Replenish our cup.
Sat 3/8, 11am -2pm - $75 (links for payment & deposit coming)
25% nonrefundable deposit required to reserve your space. Full balance due prior start.
How often do you feel like it's go, go, go, while being pulled in different directions?
Surely, you've heard the saying "you cannot pour from an empty cup". When you take better care of yourself, every aspect of your life flows better - your mood, work, relationships, finances, etc. It's not selfish to take care of yourself so you can take care of everyone & everything else...better. Self-care is essential to our mental, physical, emotional & spiritual well-being.
Make time to show yourself love & choose to participate in this Mini Day Retreat including activities such as a Sipping Ceremony, Breathwork, Moving Meditation, Sound Healing, Yoga Nidra, Art & more, as we let go for a little while to Reconnect, Release stress, fear & anxiety and Replenish our cup.
- Bring water, light snacks, journal & pen. Mats/props provided, if needed.
- Register with deposit now & join us for 3 hours to return to life rested, restored & rejuvenated!